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TripleC Goes To School: A Consistent Effort to Make Society Aware of Technology
BANGKALAN, In this era, everything is related with technology. Ready or not, we have to deal with it in order to earn money for living, studying, etc. That is why, some of us may still want to learn more about the recent technology as what UKM TripleC did to the society around them.
Become the only one Organization (UKM) that runs about Informatic Technology (IT) in University of Trunojoyo Madura, UKM Creative Computer Club or mostly called as TripleC always try to contribute for the society through their work program.
TripleC Goes To School becomes one of work programs that aims to share knowledge about IT to the society and building relation all at once.
TripleC Goes To School is one of an annual work programs that always held by TripleC’s Public Relation Division. In this year, this agenda was held in SMK 1
Labang. This agenda also attended by 30 participants which most of them are TKJ
students. (1/9)
The material that UKM TripleC has taught to the partisipants was about Cinematography. It was a chosen material from the headmaster, which is before that has been given another options of material such as design, photography, coding, web, etc.
The headmaster’s expectation from this agenda is all of the students who have joined this training can make a short film or documentary film in the future.
This training with “Pesan Dari Sinematografi” as the theme is divided into 2 sessions, there are; technique of picture and video shooting and video editing. The speakers itself are from
TripleC’s member and administrators.
“We are so happy to be able to cooperate with some schools that we have visited
and we can also share our knowledge to them who need it,” said Latief Aldiansyah as the chief of UKM TripleC’s
Public Relation Division.
“There are a lot of things that we can get from this agenda, they can sharing to
each other, the students can learn about Videography or Cinematography, and TripleC’s members are also able to practice about how to teach directly,” said Khoirul Anam as the head of UKM TripleC 2019.
In the future, UKM TripleC will always try to make University of Trunojoyo Madura and UKM TripleC names itself be more well-known by society.
“I hope all of the knowledge they’ve received can be useful, also I hope TripleC and University of Trunojoyo Madura names can be more well-known by the society around us.” Said Khoirul Anam in the end.
Mega Styarini
Humas – 2019
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